Mariachi Death Cult
Mariachi Death Squad are a reverb crashin', point breakin' instrumental surf power rock trio from Edinburgh, Scotland.Mariachi Death Squad were...
Our next live and actual gig...
...is likely gonna be next year (2022), the details being:...
Mariachi Death Cult-
Mariachi Death Squad are a reverb crashin', point breakin' instrumental surf power rock trio from Edinburgh, Scotland.
Mariachi Death Squad were formed after a heist gone bad. A bunch of grin-go-gos.
The impact of Mariachi Death Squad is akin to the Fujiwara Effect where, after a beautiful and intricate display, everything is BLOWN AWAY.
They have 2 EPs and some other things available at mariachideathsquad.bandcamp.com
Surf Music -
Monday, 05 April 2021 -
Group admin
Martin Kelly
Our next live and actual gig...
Monday, 05 April 2021 13:32 by Martin Kelly